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Fantasy Adventures CCG

Fantasy Adventures CCG
Fantasy Adventures CCG
Mayfair Games
Date published:
June 1996
In print:
Official website:


Fantasy Adventures is an out-of-print collectible card game by Mayfair Games. It was first released in June 1996. It was adapted from Mayfair's Encounters card game. The base set included 450 cards. The Wheel of Time expansion was pushed back to a late summer release to coincide with release of a Robert Jordan novel, but neither it or the World of Aden expansion never materialized. The game featured exceptional art for the time.

Fantasy Adventures CCG Database

Below is a complete database of the Fantasy Adventures CCG. Click on one of the sets below to view the cards in that set. Click on a card to add it for sale, trade or a wishlist / collection. If you find any errors in the database, please contact us using the feedback form at the bottom of the page.